Hey peeps!guess what? i went wild2 wet on monday yaw!
i went with my ex-pri school mates! hahaha! its quite exciting there..
we had lots of fun there..we even got sun burn after a day of swimming..
even irah's mum joining us for some of the rides yaw!
then she stop for a while..around 4pm,we decided to have lunch..
after our lunch we decided to go home and take a rest..
when i reach home,poor me! my arms are aching all over..
my mum told me that on thursday,my family will be karoke-ing..
and on a sunday will be swimming at the jurong east swimming complex..
ARGH! i aredy been for swim..but my mum said so..well nvm lor..
till here then peeps!
**+miss you soo much but made me a heartbroken girl+**