Hello yeah!!Late updates..hahaha..ouh yeah..i went out with my sexy ladies on the 191009
we went to Peninsula then to Esplanade..dunno we just take stroll there-.-
hahaha..but then we had fun at Marina Square..
then at around 4+ we went to causeway to find a gift for our friendship..
nyahahaha..then we went back to chong pang, bought food..
&&suddenly i spotted a guy wearing a blouse, a short skirt with red high heels..
OMG!! wth. =D then there's one part where we were walking..
ain saw a leaf flying, irah was tapping something..& all of a sudden when ain shout..
same goes for me& siti..nyahahahahaah! wth.
btw, today is E-Learning Day..so there's no school..LOL!
k la later got to do homework online..
CHIAOss with much Love XXX