Hello Lil kiddos!Nowadays too busy to blog.&& been thinking& thinking of someone i really love.
HE is the one who makes me concerning about him.
i love him soo much.& HE makes me wondering always.It was so hard for me.
i just cant free myself from him. k la Back to my reasons for not blogging.
Nowadays, get to go out wit dad every week..
since CNY is coming, he decided to plan to Escape& camping at the same time-.-
he says he want to train my singing as well for the UPCOMING OP idol finals as some has known this already. Tomorrow have NP.very sian.thn thursday have to come school early.
Due to Total Defence Day on the 15th.Thn going to have CNY concert on friday.
At the same time, have to finish my UN-finished E-learning "HOMEWORK"
as this will count in my CA marks as well-.- like WTF MAN!
coz my "CO-FORM teacher" says so.hais.k la thats all for now.bye.