What has happen to me dear god?
I know i am at fault? Do i have another chance just to change myself?
haish, or is it too late for me? i hope there's a trail to my answer dear god...
for those readers who are trying to read my blog, try not to approach me...
coz i can be a monsta that can just scold everyone anyhow...haish, how i wish there's a solution to my problem...its just to hard to solve...
what a jigsaw puzzled life i have now......i feel like i'm already independent..NOT! zzzz
I feel like i dont belong here anymore...I have no other option to choose as i'm just a lil girl..
with immatured brain...haish
nvm la...i had enough already with all this...last but not the least, I'm always not surpported, DUH :(
Labels: I dont deserve you. youre with someone else. good luck.all the best