Music saves his& my breath | ||||||||
If you let me I could, I'd show you how to build your fences
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Friday, December 26, 2008, 1:06 PM
Karoke Day 3
YOHOHOHOHO PEOPLE! woah! time sure flies real fast yaw! and school reopens just next week! so lets get to business..on thursday the 25 dec..CHRISTMAS! my whole family went karoked..AGAIN! hahaha! its the third time during the holidays yaw! hahahah! but i still had fun.. and had dinner at Pizza Hut at United Square..guess who i saw? hahahaha! Fattah,one of my seniors in my School..he's works there.. i want to hide but nvm n my sis camwhore too yaw.. the pics are with my sis yaw! we even got leggings..haha! finally yeah! still waiting for New Year babeyh! cant wait to see my classmates yaw! and new juniors coming in too..hehe! till here then people.. **+miss you too much but ure too sad until i cant forget you+** Wednesday, December 24, 2008, 11:53 AM
wild2 wet!
guess what? i went wild2 wet on monday yaw! i went with my ex-pri school mates! hahaha! its quite exciting there.. we had lots of fun there..we even got sun burn after a day of swimming.. even irah's mum joining us for some of the rides yaw! then she stop for a while..around 4pm,we decided to have lunch.. after our lunch we decided to go home and take a rest.. when i reach home,poor me! my arms are aching all over.. my mum told me that on thursday,my family will be karoke-ing.. and on a sunday will be swimming at the jurong east swimming complex.. ARGH! i aredy been for swim..but my mum said so..well nvm lor.. till here then peeps! **+miss you soo much but made me a heartbroken girl+** Sunday, December 21, 2008, 4:49 PM
My school bag!
Yo peeps! listening to~Save you by Simple Plan yesterday,me n my sibilings except my mum went out with my father to ECP.. AGAIN! its since last week i went there.. we had our lunch at arab street..and went to ECP to relax and enjoy ourselves as a family.. its quite boring though..and then we went to the marina barrage.. WOW! love the scenery there! even we can see the flyer..haha! the best part is that we got to take our school bag home! my school bag is quite heavy but i lovve it yaw! the best part that it has COW'S FUR! ahahah! and its like a dumpling though..haha! but my sis is kinda really2 a rectangular bag.. also has a COW'S FUR too.. hope there's nothing wrong if i bring a leather bag.. and had dinner at Arnold's then we went home drinking frappe at night.. hahaah! till here peepers! **+miss my SOURKUSH loads+** Friday, December 19, 2008, 4:41 PM
listening to~It Ends Tonight by All American Rejects On wednesday,i went to charco's at AMK Ave 5 with my family.. instead of that, my sis when bowling but abg wan when with my family too..actually i didnt know this place.. guess who i saw? i saw so-called my senior in my school,Firman.. and Era farida,one of the artistes in mediacorp.. so i my mum decided for me to eat the portugese chicken.. the salad i chose:coeslaw,egg salad and the potato salad.. OISHI!!!! YUMMY!!!! but my lil bro ate the kids meal..its a big chicken though..haha! he cant even finish the chicken.. the rest of my family ate ribs and some salads too.. my father realised i really2 ate veggies a lot.. haha! its like i ate salsa the jalapino sauce.. after finishing our western food..we are headed home.. otw home, this is whats happening.. abang wan was laughing shits in the van and i laughed DARN! fake.. 'HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH!!' 'EHEHEHEHEHE' same goes to my lil bro yaw! cant for next monday..i'm going to wild2 wet yaw! ahahaha! so till here people.. bubye!! **+love my ah boy loads+** Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 5:01 PM
Outings during school holidays!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() listening to~Miles Away by Madonna Long time didnt update..actually my dearest sister got stuck on comp.. and i didnt got to update some last week me and family went to ECP to have fun there..all the way i went droopy though.. even when we went vivo city to father kinda scold me.. thats when i didnt know that i went droopy.. when i was at ECP this is what happen..i was doing sandcastle.. my lil bro scrap the sand at my face! 'ARGH! AMIRUUULLLLL!' and i found out that my skin gets darken soo easily... thats when my cousin got jealous..haha! jkjk.. and in vivo city.. 'nana, act FAKE! smile FAKE!' 'i only know how to laugh FAKE!' at last,we had dinner and ask to make a schoolbag.. which is made of leather..COOOLLL!! ~Last sunday me and my family went Discovery Centre instead of karoke.. or even bowling..its quite boring though and its like an IQ test.. to some of the exhibits..and had dinner and dessert at northpoint.. and went home around 8.30pm.. well then end here people.. **+love people who love me loads+** Thursday, December 11, 2008, 6:34 PM
Friendly quiz :)
1)Atiqa 2)Ain 3)Syahirah 4)Dexter 5)Fitria 6)Hui min 7)Wei er 8)Yu wen 9)Siti Bayah 10)Dewy 2. who is 6 having relationship with ? (Hui min) i heard she has 1 ? 3. is 9 a female or male ? (Siti Bayah) female yaw! :) 4. if 7 and 10 are together, will it a good thing ? (Wei er)&(Dewy) hahas,theír in diffrent school :D 5. wad is 2 studying about ? (Ain) i'm not sure.. 6. when was the last time you had a chat with 3 ? (Syahirah) just now..haha! 7. wad kind of music band does 8 like ? (Yu wen) not sure though.. 8. does 1 hav any siblings ? (Atiqa) yes she does! 9. will you woo 3 ? (Syahirah) maybe ? as a friend,she's cute..haha! :D 10. how about 7 ? (Wei er) haha! kidding? not really? 11. is 4 single ? (Dexter) haha! i dunno..SERIOUSLY! 12. wad is the surname of 5 ? (Fitria) not sure . . 13. wad's the hobby of 4 ? (Dexter) i dont really know.. 14. does 5 and 9 get along well ? (Fitria)&(Siti Bayah) in diffrent school though.. 15. where is 2 studying at ? (Ain) OPSS 16. talk something casually about 1 ? (Atiqa) she like to talk LAMECRAPPYJOKES! :DD 17. hav you tried developing feelings for 8 ? (Yuwen) a friend i do miss her :D 18. where does 9 live at ? (Siti Bayah) i only know she's in Sembawang.. 19. wad colour does 4 like ? (Dexter) ?? 20. are 5 and 1 best frends ? (Fitria)&(Atiqa) not close..haha! 21. does 7 like 2 ? (Wei er)&(Ain) of course they do..but not really close.. 22. how did you get to knw 2 ? (Ain) by sec 1 orientation yaw! 23. does 1 hav any pets ? (Atiqa) nah~ not at all 24. is 7 the sexist person in the world ? (Wei er) haha! maybe ? 25. tag 10 people to do your quiz. yup2..thats my answer to question 1 . . Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 1:48 PM
![]() listening to~decode by paramore its a hari raya haji yaw! i 've been to karoke and ate pizza with my family and abg wan after that.. it was quite a joy and lots of crappy faces and jokes all among me and my sis.. most of the pics, is in my sis blog so do check her blog for more pics.. there is one part thats soo hilarious..its went abg wan wanna jump into the lorry.. 'i want to jump into the lorry' 'BOOM!' 'AHHHHHHH!!!!!!' damn i dont know why i shouted though..hahahahha! at last, we went home by lorry..but my dad still going home with abg wan.. after sometime later, my sis and i laugh our ass up.. when we told mama that abg wan jump into the lorry.. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!!' thats all folkies! byebye! **+love people who love me loads<33+** |
Whatever happens to anyone i love, i cry coz i just lost the love.![]() |
+ I started to disappear *Broken heart* + I started to disappear *Broken heart* + It has been 4 months *smiles* + Back. with new surprises. haish. + Busy much. sorry ppl. + Best Friend Forever ♥ + Can Partaayy! :p + New Bestie Of Mine ♥ + Gave Up.. + whats going on. wheni'mgone
+ November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + April 2010 + May 2010 + June 2010 + July 2010 + August 2010 + December 2010 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |