Music saves his& my breath | ||||||||
If you let me I could, I'd show you how to build your fences
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Sunday, January 25, 2009, 3:05 PM
4days of holiday..BlaBla..
Yoha! peeps! I'm finally back to update..just that lazy to update.. its CNY yaw! nowhere to go nowadays..only schooling days right now.. I just cant wait to graduate next 2 years time..time do flies fast.. Finally! my class has a class T..i hate the design though.. but nvm..i'm odd one only..then its ok.. just cant believe that someone likes me in school..but i ignore.. yah, its suffering nowadays not going out..haha! seriously.. nvm..i still have my psp..cant wait to get a new hp..argghhh!!!! sorry i didnt get to camwhore me,myself and my friends.. coz not really free to camwhore..thats why there's no new pics.. btw,my hair has grown yaw!its around the shoulder length.. haha! its soo wavy babeyh! good news! my bro coming out soon! in May! haha! miss him lotlot seyh! i wish right now is my graduation year..haha! jkjk.. kay la..till here then peeps! **+I'm soo glad your happy as i've seen you the first time..Well, i'm still the same as always..soo sweet to be true.. LOL..i hope will bump into each you somewhere.. talk more aye! heheheh.. imy too muchhiee,SOURKUSH!+** Sunday, January 18, 2009, 11:24 AM
Sorry peeps!
JELLOS PEEPS! i'm absolutely sorry on lack of computer.. and for my betrayness on people whom i hurt.. i know you wont trust me that i am a betrayer,still you are my friends..its ok if you didnt want to be friends with me.. its just that i'm too stress at home..and in school nobody encourages me.. becoz i became sacarstic thats when yall went away from me..thats why there's no bubbliness in me..i hope you peeps know how this causes.. if you dont understand,'ll think playing dumbdumb though.. kay lame&&dumb answer.. gtg..bubye! **+YOU ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN BY ME! I'LL NEVER FORGET YOUR PERFECT DAY!+** Thursday, January 8, 2009, 9:03 PM
my total ASS sway day!
hey people! today is a 5th day of school..DUH? yup..i soo bloody swayed! during half day of school..i'm becoming MISS NOBODY! like no one dont care siol? hah! yah, i'm with ysabelle..OBVIOUSLY?! Darren even ask me whether i'm with them or not..i just say dunno? like silly girl!!! i think i just meant to be alone though..without friends in school..SOB*SOB*..even my cuttay irah doesnt even bother..yah? hahahaa! lols! crazycrazy me! i think primary and secondary school never change as always..though..the most funniest part is when my sis & i heard..someone singing..its SOO HORRIBLE! &we laughed all the way.. btw,WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? am i doing a mess? or afiza does it and didnt bother me ? or WHAT? till then my folks! **+i hope you just be a normal person..lead for what you want to be.. hope you find a much<33 sweeter girl than me aites?..i know i'm not the right fit for you..i just cant forget you..but its too hard..i tried..i really even cant say goodbye to you its too hard..i just wanna say..I MISS YOU SOO MUCH! but never'll never accept me as who i am though..+** Monday, January 5, 2009, 4:23 PM
Boredom strikes !
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() remember her? its halisah yaw! i miss her soo much.. its soo long time i never met her! i just heard she just moved to johor.. but schooling right here at NVSS..and never heard of her again.. if you have heard of her or seen her do tag me aites..thanks! ![]() yeah! miss them always in my all my hearts.. they always made me laugh yaw! hahahaahaaaa! hope i will here more about halisah.. tiill here then.. **+i dont know why i miss you soo much untill i dont wanna vanish you in my mind..its like every moment you miss me soo much..why are you doing this to me??+** Thursday, January 1, 2009, 10:34 AM
MORE outing!
HEYHO people! sorry yaw! long time didnt update..bcoz i'm too bz outside & the com being beserky..hahaha! okie let's rewind yaw! sorry if there's no pics.. find more pics at my sis bloggie.. ~on the 27 & 28 dec~ its my cousin's wedding day yaw! we did lotz of preparation.. guess who came to help my cousin..its fifi's friends.. Matthias,Aliffe,Mirza,Mirah,Ayuni && Wardah.. haha! me and my sis sang there and its soo saddening.. we sang sad2 songs..nvm, I had an another cousin who's wedding' coming yaw! haha! my family got tired after not having enough sleep for a night..then i got to know i had to go for training for npcc.. ~29 dec~ my family & I went to queensway to buy me & my siblings shoes.. i bought mine first..its adidas but diffrent material yaw! then we went couple of rounds to find my siblings new school shoes.. then my sis got her shoes..its adidas && chopped 'MEXICO' hahaha! but then there's no time to buy my lil bro school shoes.. btw my lil bro is soo misbehaving seyh...walao! he pulled down the shutter on one of the shops..OMG! we got ice cream at mac's and went home..btw never forget me and my sis got disturbed by an APEK! ~30 dec~ i got to go npcc training yaw! actually not really training its doing bookmarks yaw! its tiring doing this but my seniors gotta do the fancy drills..ARGH! this 2009 i'm going ATC camp at Pulau Ubin..SUFFER<33! after finishing my training, gotta meet my mum but before that, i got manicure but not threading..then went compass point bought starbucks coffee and met my dad at the taxi stand and went off to suntec city.. to buy our second shoes & my lil bro's school shoes.. i even bought a black belt & a brand new watch..hahaahahaha! ate subway sandwich and went home early..while i was on my way home.. a 'matrempit' disturb me by his motor and i ignore..i slept at 11pm ~New Year Eve!~ it is the day went the world is changing..hahahaa! went out at 11 && ate lunch with fifi family until 3+.. then went karoked..AGAIN! this time i almost lost my voice..ghaahaha! at last my sis met afif and went for countdown to watch the fireworks.. while me and my mom followed my dad and my big bro's mum to eat at charco's...then went dad didnt know we're going to see the && my mum,lil bro went out to marina square to see the fireworks..hahaha! after waiting for an hour,it started..its sooo beautifool..the ending of the fireworks! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE YAW! ahahahaa! so i'll end here with this.. bubye! **+you are never been forgotten,never always a loner..i just wanna support you but you never allow me..very saddening..I wish you are mine ..FOREVER!!..I hope..+** |
Whatever happens to anyone i love, i cry coz i just lost the love.![]() |
+ I started to disappear *Broken heart* + I started to disappear *Broken heart* + It has been 4 months *smiles* + Back. with new surprises. haish. + Busy much. sorry ppl. + Best Friend Forever ♥ + Can Partaayy! :p + New Bestie Of Mine ♥ + Gave Up.. + whats going on. wheni'mgone
+ November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + April 2010 + May 2010 + June 2010 + July 2010 + August 2010 + December 2010 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |