4days of holiday..BlaBla..
Yoha! peeps!
I'm finally back to update..just that lazy to update..
its CNY yaw! nowhere to go nowadays..only schooling days right now..
I just cant wait to graduate next 2 years time..time do flies fast..
Finally! my class has a class T..i hate the design though..
but nvm..i'm odd one only..then its ok..
just cant believe that someone likes me in school..but i ignore..
yah, its suffering nowadays not going out..haha! seriously..
nvm..i still have my psp..cant wait to get a new hp..argghhh!!!!
sorry i didnt get to camwhore me,myself and my friends..
coz not really free to camwhore..thats why there's no new pics..
btw,my hair has grown yaw!its around the shoulder length..
haha! its soo wavy babeyh!
good news! my bro coming out soon! in May!
haha! miss him lotlot seyh!
i wish right now is my graduation year..haha! jkjk..
kay la..till here then peeps!
**+I'm soo glad your happy as i've seen you the first time..Well, i'm still the same as always..soo sweet to be true..
LOL..i hope will bump into each you somewhere..
talk more aye! heheheh..
imy too muchhiee,SOURKUSH!+**