Music saves his& my breath | ||||||||
If you let me I could, I'd show you how to build your fences
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Friday, July 31, 2009, 6:49 PM
Never love.
argh! idk who the hell is this guy msging me..he want to know me from some other fren.. F*cker la! then i want to avoid him..luckily i told him something he dunno..then he majok..HAHAHA! stupid guys! just like big jerks that want to play around only.. i dont like that kind of guys sia..waste my time only -.- ----In School---- got damn f*cked up coz my buddy yssa didnt come to school.. until all my fren comfort me also no use..LOL..then that idiot lesbo didnt come to school! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! she flirts! oh damn! &loves to whack my butt& my buddy's butt.. DAMN lesbo! eeeeeeeee! =P k la..i tired already..byebye~ miss my bby lotlot! hehe.. ~ Sunday, July 26, 2009, 8:16 PM
tired&sick at the same time .
damn tired coz of ATC! all the C.Is there wah! i like their style siol! lolx ish! at last almost near to campfire night.. i got sick& was ask to go home.. so the damn what only..i went home with dad and reach home nearly 12 midnight.. In my opinion, ATC is fun excluding the C.Is but i still enjoy this camp.. k la..thats all for today..cant really type alot..coz i nearly hurt my arms.. Thursday, July 23, 2009, 7:59 PM
i'm gone soon.
This week is like a DAMN to me..really getting on my nerves sia! today's skool just got f*cked by this 'AH LIAN' in my class siol! there's this part soo funny & getting on my nerves.. about her of course..i saw her two times crying like a baby sia! she cry when some of my classmates brought MR. grasshopper to feeling like bringing her a pacifier again..go let her suck her pacifier.. soo she will be quiet lol..just like the other day she sucking her own pacifier.. the part where she got on my nerves is when i go for recess.. with my ah teh sis, ysabelle.. then all of a sudden another group of my chinese frens all sitting near me..stressing up! like what like that! then she sat behind me staring at us.. its like i want to ask 'what's you DAMN bloody problem sia staring at me!' then Shi Qing go& really disturb me..then i got fedup.. 'EH LESBO! one more time you disturb me..i slap your face kay!?' then she kept quiet.. after i finish eating and and Ysabelle go other place and slack for a while.. ARGH! Monday, July 20, 2009, 3:29 PM
Someone special day!
*blow candles* i want to thank to the people who wished me for my special day! i really appreciate it a lot..& my sister for the lovely Black Tank top! i Really love it! & my cousin for the pink headset.. ---IN SCHOOL--- ~ Birthday Girl was late for school ~ -- was sabotaged by her friends ~ -- was shouted by her friends by saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY BYANA!' ~ During NT module lesson, she was sang by her trainers who teach her for UKULELE lessons.. ~ -- is soo happy today that she was really touched by her loved ones! :D BIG THANK YOU YEAH? Bcoz you Rawk my Day with Style.. Thursday, July 16, 2009, 5:36 PM
Forgot to put this cute pic!
![]() ![]() she really have preety eyes and even more cute than me when i was little! ahahaha..seriously i love her cute baby goo2 eyes! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! soo adorable! hehe..CHALOBETEH! Thursday, July 9, 2009, 4:08 PM
Today's school!
today's school is quite boring& irritating at the same time.. OH GOSH! its soo damn irritating with Dai Xiang disturbing me..&taking my bag la.. and more..blah blah blah! 'Eh think what funny isit?' 'Chey2..Byana& Dai Xiang sia!' 'WEEEEEEWIIIIItttt!' 'i always kena be the victim seh!' 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..' then all classmates tease me till i cannot stand it sia..hahhahahaha then my malay fwens all disturb me about Zaki la..hahahahahaha.. 'Zaki, you do spike hair bcoz you want to attract Byana right?' 'F*** off!' then when the whole class is changing their seats, Shi Qing& Ysabelle change their seats.. 'Eh Shi Qing seat here ar she laugh2..soo irritating..' then i laughed how Shi Qing laughed.. 'AHAHAHA AHAHAHA' then my classmates Jukhairi& Sharizal laughed like a hell out of it.. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..' k la..ending here.. bye2 yall'! (: Monday, July 6, 2009, 7:41 PM
What a Day!
Today's Youth Day..I went swimming almost went wrong when i reach Jurong.. the Swimming Complex is closed coz its public holiday..bloody hell.. then my frens discuss that we go Yew Tee there to swim..but closed down as well..GRRRR! hahahahaha..then at last we all decided to go Yishun.. 'ARGH! If yishun close down ar, i go home la..' 'EH Byana dont be like this la..we all only want to have fun..k..chill..' 'k la go Yishun Swimming la..' When Reaching Yishun Swimming Complex.. 'YEAH2! here is open..hahahahaha..FINALLY!' While i was swimming, Me& my bestie Ain tease each other like a hell out of it sia.. hahahahaha..and Kai li as per normal with her attitude towards boys..=P K la gtg get ready for tomorrow school..chalobeteh! Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 8:35 PM
FUNNY sia!
today's school is funny seyh..i saw someone who is still sucking pacifier seyh.. ewwwwwwwww..hahahaha..its like almost eveyone in my class knows about it seyh.. 'EH byana! see2..*showing how she does with pacifier..' 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA' 'WTH?!' then during my CPA lesson, i saw one my classmates.. want to take a paper bullet under my table near my skirt.. 'GRRRRRR!' 'eeeeeeeeeee molester!' 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!' k la..gtg now..bye ppl i know.. (: |
Whatever happens to anyone i love, i cry coz i just lost the love.![]() |
+ I started to disappear *Broken heart* + I started to disappear *Broken heart* + It has been 4 months *smiles* + Back. with new surprises. haish. + Busy much. sorry ppl. + Best Friend Forever ♥ + Can Partaayy! :p + New Bestie Of Mine ♥ + Gave Up.. + whats going on. wheni'mgone
+ November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + April 2010 + May 2010 + June 2010 + July 2010 + August 2010 + December 2010 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |