Music saves his& my breath | ||||||||
If you let me I could, I'd show you how to build your fences
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Saturday, November 28, 2009, 4:25 PM
i dont understand
hehes.&& of course going for a swim again on thurs.BUT this time its with my fwens& his fwens(: ohh, damn i wonder what happens sia with my fwens all. FUH! hahaha. this time we are swimming at jurong man! hahaha. k loh dun wanna elaborate more. gtg now tc yall! with LOTS of LOVES XXX Labels: I dunno whether to keep you or move you away from heart cos you keep stealing my heart away Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 3:57 PM
Came Back from Camp!
I'm safely back from camp. The camp was somehow fun at last.its like although i stay in this camp for a week-.- hahaha, btw, miss you buddy since youre away.GOSH! hahaha. my group was like so effingly damn horny during the camp.its was damn irritating seh-.- k la dont wanna elaborate more.wanna find more go np blog. byebye! (: Labels: GOSH, love you and miss you *winks Friday, November 20, 2009, 10:44 AM
Tomorrow, I'm going off
![]() Tomorrow I'm going for my NPCC camp man! but i feel not excited about this anyways. hahaha..btw gonna miss these people man! XXX love them to the EFFIN' core! hehes &&Irah i'm seriously very sorry that i cant come for your party.. && Happy Advanced 14th Birthday on the 22nd, NurSyahirah Bte Rahmat (: cheyy my bby girl FINALLY 14 already seyyh.. not completely pack my stuff for camp. Anyways later buy another track pants. Finally i want to say Bye to Yssa..she's heading to philippines on sun too. see you next year girl. hope you already bought your books when you arrive home. (: Thats all i post for today. maybe i'll post next week when i come back. See ya real soon PEEPOS! Labels: I miss him too okayy *smiles Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 3:45 PM
Rain Falling, Time Flies as well.
nowadays, its getting cold&& the time is drawing faster than i thought. I'm getting worried about the ppl around me. but i already made a choice. & thats, i'm lovin' it. but i think i almost lost the love of my loved one as well. its like very disappointing& sad as well. To my Fantastic Four: I'm gonna miss you all man! especially ysabelle, my buddy is going to head to phlippines very soon T_T &you are coming back on the 12th of Jan.The next day make sure you appear ar girl! K la gtg now CHIOW! Labels: I kept Thinking and i miss you Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 6:05 PM
Going off for NPCC camp very soon!
btw i'm going back to school for my cca camp very soon! haha, hope it will be a blast of fun jyeah? hehes. i'm gonna miss a lot of things while i'm away for camp. Cant wait for the 30th meeting that someone REAL damn soon! OoOoOo..hahahaha! AWW, man! when is the mac gonna call man! hais. really need a job! soo deperate sia.btw, the blackout was DAMN bloody fun! FUUHHH! hahas k la i lazy to elaborate more.gtg off9. anything yall txt me on the yellow boardy aite! CHIAO! XXX Monday, November 16, 2009, 2:03 PM
finally Changed Blogskin. i want to change URL very2 soon so dont forget to tag aites! going to meet my sexxies super soon! jyeah? lets swim again aites! its been a long time since i met him. at last he make up on the 30th.WOOOOHOO~ thanks you always.i wish you were right here with me. hehe~ so see you real soon bby! Thats all i post for today! Toodles~ Labels: I kept Thinking of you every single moment when you're miles away from me XOXO Friday, November 13, 2009, 11:59 AM
Hello peeps! hahaha! Went swimming yesterday with Ain, yssa&& Kaili.. its was so fun yesterday man! love yall! WOOOHOOOO! LAZY TO ELABORATE=.= hehes. maybe going to see hym on monday jyeah. hehes.k loh gtg byebye! Labels: Dude, I Love you So Much Till I Felt Like Seeing You Everyday Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 7:10 PM
![]() He can be cool or nerd? which one you prefer? haha! love you dude as a star! (: Btw, tomorrow going swimming with yssa, ain+ the rest-.- hmm, wish he can come but unfortunately he cant..AWW.. btw, update maybe tomorrow for more details.. Labels: YOU are the LAST..i mean it.. Thursday, November 5, 2009, 2:10 PM
![]() ![]() Yeah! Finally next week going to Yssa's Condo to swim man!~ YAHHHOOO! haha, ain planned it again man! yessssaaaahhh! (: Thanks babe! long time never swim at her condo although on monday i slack..nyahahahaha! WALAO! miss him sia.dunno why.hahah.hmm..k la anything taggie me aye aliens! nyahahahah! with much love XXXX Wednesday, November 4, 2009, 3:55 PM
Miss hym& them
![]() hahaha! sowie nowadays really got problems at home& out there as well. hais, got camp sia on the 21st-23rd. My CCA camp in school-.- then next week start packing.walao! hehe.compulsary to go.somemore my school add another cca, NCDCC (National Civil Defence Cadet Corps) =.= i want to join!!!!! but i scared i cant.haiyoh2! k la wanna end here lor.anything tag me aye ppl! Miss You Dude! love<33 |
Whatever happens to anyone i love, i cry coz i just lost the love.![]() |
+ I started to disappear *Broken heart* + I started to disappear *Broken heart* + It has been 4 months *smiles* + Back. with new surprises. haish. + Busy much. sorry ppl. + Best Friend Forever ♥ + Can Partaayy! :p + New Bestie Of Mine ♥ + Gave Up.. + whats going on. wheni'mgone
+ November 2008 + December 2008 + January 2009 + May 2009 + June 2009 + July 2009 + August 2009 + September 2009 + October 2009 + November 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + April 2010 + May 2010 + June 2010 + July 2010 + August 2010 + December 2010 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |