Hello youth-feelers!I got no photos to show you how we went out.coz too busy on family.HAHA!
but we went to Botanic Gardens to feed the fishes.AGAIN! haahaha.
thn daddy pick up sis from work& bump into her.HAHAHA!
while waiting for her to come, DAMN! spotted a monitor lizard.& it was looking for fish.
thn i literally saw a DEAD fish at the same time it was so shocking man.HAHA! FAKE.
thn after a whole-time on the hot sun, head to Bedok go Sing-La-Karoke.
HAHAHA! thn we had fun man! FUH! hahaha.damn.
thn suddenly some1 wan sing duet wit me.ahaha.
thn tk jd coz dunno what title.HAHAHAHA! LMAO!
thn afte for long fruitful time, we had supper at Arab St.
thn went home safely at around 0015 reached home. haiya.still tired though.LOL
kay bye loves.
Labels: I have missed something BIG *sobs