Hey There!
It has been a long time since i've updated my dusty bloggy.
it has been a month i've never touched my blogger :)
I'm happy to say that me& my bestie has been well& going smoothly.
But! at times we do have a crush on each other. OMG!
but we will endure it when time comes ;)
LOL. since now its a 17th day coming to the 18th day of fasting month.
Been missing bestie lately :'( but i just dont wanna say it.
It made me even more sad coz i never get to see his face.
Yet, i only can hear his voice that made me soo glad.
HE is the one who made me turn around& made see myself. thank you bestie. :)
HE is the one who teaches me how to sacrifice& be faithful.
I've never had a best friend who made me learn how to sacrifice.
&surprisingly, you're the FIRST to say.
&lastly i owe you a very BIG thank you best friend :)
You're always the best for me!
Hopefully we will last forever coz i believe in it :D
TakeCare Earthlings! ;DD
Labels: I hate to say i miss youu